There are several companies / individuals that have graceously supplied equipment and finacal assistance towards my personal research.
Danny Gunalen, S&S Exotics, Zoo med labratories, Cuscus backpacks, SPYDERROBOTICS,, WeatherHawk, Russ Gurley, /, Snake Farm, Linda Switzer, Fredrik Averback, Even Wexler, Kasper Fonagar, Todd Goodman " Timberline Crickets", Kieth Mcpeek, Tye Park, Josh Hanson, and Gary Schiavino
Sponsors / Research supporters
Get Involved!
Buy making a donation; you will greatly assist with the continuation of field research regarding Simalia boeleni and Ari’s work in New Guinea. Contributions will be utilized to aid with purchasing new equipment used at research site, supporting the native people in the field, and travel expenses associated with Ari’s work.
Thank you!
All images are Copyright by Ari R Flagle 2022